Sound Your Way To Instant Clarity That Fuels Breakthroughs

Success in business is less about the perfect strategy and more about aligned energy. Sound Alignment & Activation Sessions help you align your energy to show up to take action on the next right step in your business and life

Ways I Can Help You Using Sound Medicine

CATALYST SESSION: Turn confusion, procrastination, or self-doubt Into clarity, conviction and taking action on the next right step for your project

MONEY MATTERS :Turn worry, shame, frustration and fears into more peace, confidence so you can show up to dreams & demands with confidence


Turn overworking, stress, or stagnation into peace and equanimity  so you move through your days more calm & fulfilled


Connect more deeply with your soul and spiritual self and activate higher self knowing so you can direct your life in full alignment


What they say


Sound Alignment & Activation Session

Intuitively channeled live 1:1 sessions for each client bring the benefits of sound healing to activate the body, mind and spirit in the exact ways you need it most. No two sessions are alike. 

It Works Quickly

Scientifically proven to help you experience fast relief from symptoms such as stress, overwhelm, anxiety, physical pain, emotional distress by calming the nervous system.

Delivered Over Zoom 

Enjoy your sound activation from anywhere in the world. No need to travel, just login to Zoom from a computer or phone and allow yourself to be transported into deep relaxation & healing or high energy activation.

Rapid Transformation For What You Need

The power of sound vibrations and frequency is able to bypass the conscious critical mind and directly stimulate other parts of the brain, hormones, physical cells of the body and create heart congruence.

Book Your Sound Alignment & Activation Session 

Five lucky people will see this in time to book a 60 minute private Sound Session for only $79 CAD. This includes a pre-call of 15 minutes in order to feel comfortable. If for any reason you don't wish to proceed from your pre-call, your session is 100% refundable.


5 Minute Grounding Song

The world is going through a lot of change and upheaval. When life, the world, your own suffering or seeing others suffer in pain is overwhelming use this embodied practice & song to help yourself face these emotions and hold them with compassion.

Hi, I'm Lindsay!

Activator, business mentor, intuitive song channeller and Sound Medicine Weaver specializing in inner work that helps women in business elevate their professional results. 

My superpower is my ability to help you hear aspects of your authentic self that are ready to come forward into your business.

I help you integrate those aspects courageously and seamlessly into your business and life which results in epic sales breakthroughs, a deepening of purpose, and taking up the space you deserve to take in the world with your beautiful resonant presence.

I'm an internationally recognized breakthrough coach for heart-led leaders and Certified in EFT Tapping with trauma awareness.

If you're interested in learning about the full range of my coaching and how I assist entrepreneurs to deeply own their authority and step into greater wealth creation, please click below for a free clarity consultation.