The Secret To Relieve Stress & Overwhelm, OWN Your Magic, And Direct Your Life With Authentic Power
Are you a business owner or leader struggling to stay balanced while you wear 17 hats? EFT Tapping is a safe, effective, fast way I can help you have breakthrough after breakthrough so you meet your goals without stress or burnout and avoid the mistakes, pitfalls, and stuck places that slow things down, waste time, and drain energy.
Ways I Can Help You with EFT Tapping
THE CATALYST SESSIONS: Get out of Procrastination & Into Bold Action so you achieve your business, life, or health goals faster with more ease
MONEY MATTERS : Turn worry, shame, frustration and fears into peace, confidence, and empowerment. Realize you ARE a powerful $$ creator & manager.
BALANCE ME SESSIONS: Turn overworking, stress, or emotional looping into regulated, grounded energy so you can pursue your dream without burnout
HELLO WORLD SESSIONS Turn fear of being seen, & fear of live speaking, or fear of selling into confident, authentic connection so you can lead at work or sell out your next offer.
What they say
"My professional life is very important, but I sometimes do it at the expense of my personal life. I had been putting a lot of pressure on myself. EFT Tapping with Lindsay helped me break free from overworking and put my wellness first."
Jonny Pardo - Podcast Host & Entrepreneur

My business has doubled and increasing. My choices are getting easier to make because I know ME. I have begun to overcome fears I've had my entire life. My self-worth is amazing. My choices are soul aligned. There are even things I've done since our last session that I would never have done without the help of EFT
Jennifer B. - Massage Therapist
"As we started doing the tapping I realized there was so much fear about being successful and these things I thought would happen or undesireable outcomes or things that would go bad. As we worked together we chipped away all these layers. After working with Lindsay so many things opened up for me where I was able to trust myself. Trust my intuition. And I started booking more clients."

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques
It's known as Tapping because you are tapping on acupuncture points on the face & body while verbally processing your feelings.
It Works Quickly
Scientifically proven to help you experience fast relief from symptoms such as stress, overwhelm, anxiety, physical pain, emotional distress.
Utilizes The Power Of Your Mind & Body
It calms the Amygdala - part of the brain that controls your fight/flight/freeze/face response. Studies show an hour of Tapping reduces cortisol levels as much as 43%
Imprints Solutions Thinking & Problem Solving
Reprograms your subconscious mind with positive beliefs and emotions like: worthiness, happiness, peace, confidence, solutions focus, abundance.
Effective For Many Life Areas & Struggles
EFT Tapping is famous for helping people transform performance issues, relationships, money challenges, focus & follow through, worthiness, self esteem, phobias, PTSD, and anxiety.
Ready For A Breakthrough? Here's How To Get Started...
Step 1
Start by filling in the form below to schedule your FREE 30 minute consultation call. This is where you can ask questions, determine fit, and we uncover what you're looking to achieve and design the best way to get there.
Step 2
Based on our Insight To Action call, we'll select to work together using EFT Tapping as the primary vehicle based on one of the packages described above or what best fits your needs.
Step 3
Based on the way we've decided to work, you'll use my easy booking system to book your 90 minute sessions with me in advance and have automatic reminders to show up on the day.
Step 4
Show up online to our sessions and receive all the benefits and breakthroughs that will come as a result of taking this powerful pause for yourself. I may issue further integration homework to take your results even farther!
Arrange a free Clarity Consultation
Enjoy a "no obligation call with me to get your questions answered, clarify what you really want" . When you click this button, you'll schedule a Free Insight To Action Call, answer a few questions in a form and then I'll be meeting you soon over Zoom to talk about what your specific goals are and how I could help.
Want a demo of EFT Tapping?
You can follow along in this powerful 30 minute guided session where we move through 3 different stages of letting go of something we don't need to carry with us so that we make the space to be open to new blessings, action, abundance, in the future.

Enjoy a "no obligation call with me to get your questions answered, clarify what you really want" . When you click this button, you'll schedule a Free Insight To Action Call, answer a few questions in a form and then I'll be meeting you soon over Zoom to talk about what your specific goals are and how I could help.
About Lindsay
Lindsay is an internationally recognized breakthrough coach for heart-led leaders.
Certified in EFT Tapping with trauma awareness, neurodivergence awareness and anti-racism training, Lindsay is high integrity coach able to help her clients respond to complex challenges and move forward in powerful ways.
For over five years Lindsay has been helping individuals strip away layers of subconscious programming that has held them back from enjoying their life or business to the fullest.
After spending most of her life operating as the "Dutiful Daughter" and building several careers and businesses against the wrong walls to finally end up in severe postpartum depression and rock bottom,
Lindsay now helps people unleash from their "Learned Self" (the roles or masks they've worn to please others) and helps them re-connect to their Core Abundant Self which is the seat of their authentic creator power.
From here individuals go on to create epically aligned results in their businesses and lives, make more money than they dreamed possible, and live out their ideal version of freedom & success.