Imagine if you doubled Your sales in the next 3 weeks

Buyers mean impact. If you're in the process of becoming the go-to coach, consultant, wellness practitioner, psychotherapist or healer in your niche, but sales have slowed or stalled, it's time for a breakthrough session to clear confusion, get answers and unleash some sales fast.

πŸ‘‰Dialling in clarity Means unleashing sales Fast


Sales Are Intermittent

Customers are trickling in here and there or only when you do a really big marketing event or extensive push

Time Evaporates

You're living on social media and it isn't driving "I'm interested!" DMs  or sales calls booked

More Effort Than Results

Others biz strategies and tactics seem like the key, but they wear you down, feel off or just don't work in your biz

Putting in more hours isn't giving you more sales. Neither is watching and copying what others are doing. You've learned all the business strategies and they aren't working like they used to. If they ever did!

Instead of working harder, it's time to pause & get clear on what's actually needed. Which you actually know deep down!

Smart people who know their work is brilliant...

...get in their own way easily! The reason sales have slowed or stalled is because something about you, how you show up in sales calls  or how you feel working in your business or a product you're offering is out of alignment. It's a hard pill to swallow because knowing all the smartest biz strategies always seemed like "the answer". Now you have to admit that maybe there's more to it. Maybe it has to do with your mindset or some kind of inner switch you need to make.

I get it! Once upon a time  I didn't LOVE the results I was creating in my business, but it was hard to pinpoint what to change because a part of me argued "This is just temporary, we'll get through this" or "Just endure it, you're finally making a decent income and you spent so many months creating this product" or "You know your mindset issues well enough, it's definitely not that." 

But if I were to go back and  give myself one piece of advice, it would have been "Hey you! Slow down a minute and get clear with yourself." Digging deeper into myself for my true answers would have led me to focus more on what WAS working so I could put more energy there and release what wasn't working, a heck of a lot sooner. 

Digging deeper to get clear would have brought me deeper into owning my authentic authority. Which I eventually figured out was the key to a sales breakthrough and soulmate clients buying instantly! Instead of going in circles for months, I could have been generating more money.

WIN with your IMPACT

One Breakthrough Session Can Change Everything

All those coaches, consultants and healers, standing out, calling in their dream clients, and killing it in their biz, want to know how they do it?


It's not because they're using the world's ONLY perfect marketing strategy, like "THE ONE" you've been searching for.

Their "secret" is being 100% unapologetic in who they are, how they serve and why they're the best person to offer it in their unique way. They own their authority from the inside out.

Owning your authority is a magnet for sales. 

But as an empath, being out front owning your magic and making an offer or asking for the sale doesn't come easily or naturally.

  • you probably overthink what you say (even in client calls),
  •  carefully manage how you show up online (or avoid being seen all together)
  • worry about coming off too pushy or salesy.

This is not just in the back of your head πŸ‘† It's actually filtering through your energy and presence and is getting in your way of attracting perfect clients, making sales and growing your bank account.

Authority isn't about playing "The Expert" to others. It actually all starts with being your own authority on what you really want in your business, why you want certain results, how you want to feel creating them and feeling your full self trust you're definitely the best person to do it.

With The Sales Breakthrough Intensive, you'll rapidly start clearing confusion and misalignment as I help you listen deeply to the nuances of YOUR inner authority. The more you express and voice in reply to my questions, the more you hear your own solutions. You can start owning more of your authority instantly and translate this certainty into your business right away, which will lead to an increase in sales.

The Sales Breakthrough Intensive Is The Way to Break Free

Imagine freeing yourself from the grind of pushing your business forward  all from a single diagnostic session you can complete with me in just 90 minutes.

Imagine standing out from the crowd and having your best launch EVER this fall because you're clear on your unique value and grounded in the magic you bring.

Imagine no longer losing sleep over the "perfect right way" to grow you business, because I help you see surprising connections you were missing about YOUR unique keys to success.

Imagine becoming a magnet for aligned clients and sales without exhausting campaigns, spending all your time on social media or feeling like an icky salesperson

THIS is what's possible when you show up fully, authentically you, owning your authority. 

All we need to do is uncover what's holding YOU back from coming through with power!

πŸ‘‰ It has nothing to do with how introverted or extroverted you are

πŸ‘‰It has nothing to do with needing to be louder, or willing to shake your dance moves on video, or put your integrity aside and become a pushy salesperson

πŸ‘‰It was nothing to do with having the perfect video scripts, sales scripts, foolproof templates and more - because if it did, you wouldn't be here looking for the solution to your block!

In this breakthrough session we will:

  • Have a deep dive conversation and review of your biz over Zoom to identify the underlying issues that have hindered ALL your marketing strategies so you stop the cycle of disappointing results
  • Uncover how to unleash your unique value and special angles that help you stand out in a crowded market so that your perfect-for-you clients are drawn like magnets to metal
  • Help you show up fuller in substance & service to your existing and new clients  without more effort so they buy on repeat and you develop a bigger, steady flow of income
  • Identify any deep seated subconscious blocks (like fear of failure or success, money mindset, imposter syndrome) that have been causing you to get stuck in the Sensitive Compensation Cycle so that you reach that goal you really want FASTER

What happens when you get laser clear

Brinie is a marketing and business mentor for time poor busy women running passion fuelled businesses. During her Breakthrough Intensive we cracked open what was REALLY getting in her way of selling out her programs. Afterwards, she went from zero DM's to her DM's blowing up and a launch like no other when she stepped into what she called "Full Brinie Mode."

" I realized there was so much fear about being successful. After working with Lindsay so many things opened up for me where I was able to trust myself. And I started booking more clients. 3 out of 4 calls became clients (never happened before) and a video I had went viral on TikTok sending multiple new clients my way."

Catherine Stephens

Hypnotherapy Practitioner 

Ready to become a client magnet and explode your sales, impact & bank account? 

Hi there

If you don't know me, I'm Lindsay Hindle.

As a Business Activator for empathic biz owners, I help people solve urgent, painful, expensive problems that my clients are stuck and struggling with and don't know how to matter how many things they have tried.

I help people go from hiding to fiercely owning their magic so they get seen, get more paying clients, sell out coaching packages and impact lives in a positive way.

After years of pushing before I broke through, I know the frustration of being locked into a lukewarm business. I also made the mistake of reaching for EVERY marketing strategy that came my way, until I business wasn't lacking strategies - it was lacking ME owning my authority behind them. 

Now it's your turn to put heaviness behind you and get the FULL you out there, without all the stress. It's time for soulmate clients to be magnetized by your authentic authority and buy instantly.


Selling more and making more money isn't about waiting for people to come to you. It's not about being perfect, having the perfect thing to say or having the perfect strategy or business know how. 

The truth is there are only a few things you need to do. But the way in which you need to be doing them is being authentically you and owning your magic.

When you do, this happens...

  • Sell Authentically With Ease
  • Feel calm & confident in your abilities
  • Have real life case studies of people you help
  • Fulfill your purpose & heart calling of impacting lives


How Long Is The Session?

The session usually lasts for 90 - 115 minutes

How is the session delivered?

We meet online over Zoom so that you can participate anywhere in the world

Who is this for?

This session is for people in who are already active building their business and have been doing marketing and business activities for at least 1 year.

What Happens When I Book?

This is a paid session for $222. When you click the button you will be asked to enter your payment information and then taken to a booking page where you will select your time that fits your schedule. After that, you will receive emails from me including a small questionnaire to fill in before our session. 

Is This a Free Call?

This is not a free call. This is a high value, rapid transformation session for only $222 so that we can help you solve your urgent, painful, expensive problems that you are stuck struggling with and don't know how to solve, no matter how many things you've tried. 

When does this session take place?

You are asked to pay in advance, but this session can take place at your convenience anytime between now and September 30. The special rate of $222 will only be available this fall as a back to school special, so don't miss out.

What If I Have More Questions?

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the Unleashed Intensive. Please send me a DM on Instagram @fivesightsco or send me an email. If you don't know my email, use the CONTACT linked in the footer below.