How many times have you heard:

“You should just be grateful that you have…[xyz].”

When people in your life deal out “gratitude” with a heavy emphasis on SHOULD…well, beware that it’s not really their intention to help you feel grateful,

but rather to ensure you stay small.

Of course it’s important to feel gratitude for what we have and who we are. 

It’s actually the first entry point to manifesting a brilliant life or business from an Abundance Identity (something my Access Your Abundance students are well versed in). 

But when it comes to living dreams, many people will try to make sure you don’t get “too big for your breeches” or stretch for the “impossible”.

Why? Because it’s a really great way to make sure you stay with the pack that’s clinging to old paradigms.

And I know that’s not what your heart wants.

You’re the ambitious, intuitive, sensitive human, with innovative ideas and gifts to share,

with a growing urgency that you NEED to be MORE YOU in the world and throw off the shackles of others expectations.

So it’s really important to lean into your higher discernment and own YOUR vibration of gratitude so you can make decisions that align your steps towards the most abundant expression of you in the world.

Because here is what I know:

A more abundant and sensitive world is possible, when there is more abundant and sensitive you in it

????How exactly do you strengthen your muscle of discernment? 

????How can you deeply know your own vibration of gratitude so you step into your most abundant expression?

Well, here is a simple tip…spend more time in it.

✨ Spend more time acknowledging and honouring what truly makes your heart feel bursting with gratitude, instead of what you “should” feel grateful for.✨

The more you notice why, when, where, who, what gives you that ‘heart bursting’ feeling,

the faster you’ll ascend into higher conscious clarity, courage, and trust that is necessary to “climb big mountains” and do/be/have supposedly “impossible” things.

What will you do to spend more time in the frequency of gratitude that feels TRUE to you?

Drop a line and let me know!

Also, FYI, two of my private coaching spots just recently got snapped up, which means I’ve got room for just one more.

If you’ve “had it” with trying to squeeze yourself into others expectations, 

and you’re ready for the freedom to be ABUNDANTLY YOU in the world, sharing your gifts, utilizing your true brilliance in your career, business, or creative expression, 

then be sure to arrange an Insight to Action Strategy session with me ASAP.

What better way to go into 2022 than with clarity and certainty around who you are, where you’re going, and what you need to do to create influence, impact, and abundant income from your gifts.

Here’s that link again to secure your session. 

xxx ooo


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