5 Reasons Sensitives Struggle To Be Their Most Authentic Self & Cap Their Biz As A Result

There’s insight that changes lives and insight that changes businesses… If you are a deep feely, heart-led person struggling to make more impact, sales, and money in your

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Deep Feeler, HSP or Empath? Here’s the differences

Hey beautiful human. Have you ever got the impression from others or actually been told that you’re weak, need to stop caring so much, or that you’re too

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The truth about creating more abundance in life & business

You’ve got one life to live and I know YOU know you’re meant for more. Deep down, you have the intuition & the vision to create amazing impact,

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Here’s To NOT meeting expectations

How many times have you heard: “You should just be grateful that you have…[xyz].” When people in your life deal out “gratitude” with a heavy emphasis on SHOULD…well,

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How To Get Over Being Perfectified

When it comes to highly sensitive humans and empaths in business or creative pursuits, there’s a tendency to want to hang back and perfect things (and ourselves) before

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Why It’s Time to Liberate Your Wild Ideas (And Your Confidence In Them)

Windshield wipers, no-spill cups, and the field of emotional intelligence. What do they all have in common? They were all once “wild ideas” that at first the world

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