Join an intimate group for 5 sessions guaranteed to deliver breakthrough results in your heartled business all year
You've been taught that having a plan to reach your visibility, money, and impact goals is a must...but after copying what others do, something isn't working...
Every time you think about what you SHOULD be doing, all you feel is pressure, perfectionism, and overwhelm to get it right.
You feel mentally cluttered and unsure!
You know you want to be making more money & impact with less stress, but aren't sure what that looks like for YOU to pull off, especially when all you see is 7 figure earners who have huge teams supporting them
You don't know why the organizers/planners you've bought haven't helped you to be more productive with hitting the income goal you picked this year
You don't know which marketing strategies, launch processes, lead generation, to put into place or how or when - what do you start with?
You've tried buying templates for EVERYTHING to save time, but still feel there's never enough hours in the day
You've tried books on business planning, goal setting, and organization hoping to find work life balance, but its a constant battle with overwhelm and everything you think you should be doing
You've tried to "forget" past disappointments or "failures" so you can get on your goals with confidence, but you know deep down you're doubting yourself
Maybe this all felt like normal stress to go through in the startup years...but now you're at least 2 years into your biz and it's still happening!
And are you just plain over it?
Believe me I get it!
As a sensitive multi-passionate entrepreneur *and mom* I used to feel just like you do!
I'd spend hours dreaming up my business goals, buying up courses and books on productivity, colour coding my beautiful planner...
...only to find myself overwhelmed with my vision and how to make it possible
...only to find myself starting and stopping the "fool proof, easy social media plan" I bought because I just couldn't seem to stick to it
...only to find myself trying to follow others unrealistic HUSTLE STYLE lifestyle
...only to find myself chasing 50K months that were not actually my soul aligned priority, but I did because I felt like "less of business person" if I didn't!
That is until I took a step back, threw out ALL THE RULES to "goal setting", biz planning and did something that made SENSE to my highly sensitive brain : )
Because here's where you've been led astray...
smart goals suck & vision boards aren't a plan
Popular goal setting and planning methods are either too robotic or too wish-washy and don'thelp you address the THREE MOST IMPORTANT pillars of manifesting your sustainable, soul-driven highly sensitive/empathic business, career or life:

No other planning method out there exists that take you through BOTH embodied energetic work on your emotional & spiritual self (Feminine energy) AND mind-driven work for breaking down, shaping and actualizing your plans (Masculine energy) IN BALANCE:

It's time to discover a whole new way to plan your abundant year
If you've finally recognized & accepted that as a highly sensitive human or empath it means you do life & biz differently, then it just MAKES SENSE you need a DIFFERENT way to plan!!!
Beautiful Soul, let's get you Powerfully Planned
>>Imagine the rest of 2023 with the confidence to attract soulmate clients with a magnetic vibe because you properly cleared your energy from any of the past years' OOPSIES & expectations?
>> What would your business/career & bank account look like if you no longer procrastinated and instead took all the successful action you needed?
>> How about the sweet relief that comes from knowing exactly what to do with your BIG IDEAs (and all those courses and templates you have) so you don't waste months spinning your wheels
>>Imagine making time for long walks in nature, delish yoga sessions, and lunches with friends because you're organized , honouring the RIGHT things for YOU in your unique biz/career

The Powerfully Planned Retreat is 5 LIVE done-with-you Group Sessions (you keep recordings):
Wednesdays, May 17 - June 14, 2023 (11:00 am - 12:30pm Pacific)
- 1Session 1 - SIFT May 17
Every year you generate abundant wisdom, progress, and wins in many areas of your life. But how often do you really stop and reflect on those gems - especially the ones that could be insanely profitable?! We're going to stop you from depriving yourself of working in your zone of genius and making easy money and SIFT through what worked so you can do and FEEL more of what you love.
- 2
Session 2 - RELEASE May 24
2022 or the first months of 2023 could have hurts, losses, and disappointments. When you're success focused, it's easy to brush past and keep pushing through to succeed. This leads to pushing down feelings that bring your stress levels HIGHER and make it HARDER to get good ideas and take action. Then you wonder why you're stuck, frozen, procrastinating or self-sabotaging??? We're going to help you release some things so you can turn off the stress response and get moving with more ease.
- 3If you don’t know your values, you won’t know what to say NO and yes to in your business. This goes for business strategies, marketing, having boundaries with clients, managing your time, and how much money you're aiming for. Your values change as your business changes YOU. This session will bring you back into alignment with your values if you have fallen out or help you deepen into your values so your work, business, and life can feel lighter and rewarding.
Session 3 - ALIGN TO DESIGN May 31
- 4Being success focused means we love going ALL IN. But it doesn't automatically mean we feel LOVE or feel confident with setting big goals. Goal trauma is real. My method will help you overcome performance anxiety and help you feel excited to focus on clear milestones that grow your business, enrich your life, and help you generate more money. That way you won't suffer the pain of procrastination, getting stuck or freezing again.
- 5They say money loves speed. But how do you shorten the time between setting a goal and achieving it while NOT burning out? Using my pieces of my signature Powerfully Planned Method you will use the exact system I use in my business to EFFECTIVELY piece apart big projects and goals into sensible, small actions so you can maintain and SUSTAIN focused action without self sabotage or any other mysterious and COSTLY behaviours that you've been falling into.
BONUS: EFT Tapping + Lifetime Access!
BONUS 1: You will have lifetime access to all the session recordings, workbooks, systems, so you can use this process over and over every quarter or year for breakthrough results in your business (Value +$10,000)
BONUS 2: Group EFT Tapping: Experience a powerful mind body technique that helps you release stored emotions that are turning on the stress response. Discover how clear minded, confident, and full of empowered energy you feel to achieve your most audacious goals when your stress response is turned off (Value $500)
But your investment is just $555
Here's What To Do Next...
Secure your spot by clicking below

As soon as you place your order, you’ll get a confirmation email from me and future emails that include links to the workbooks and retreat details, PLUS A SECRET BONUS TO ENJOY IN BETWEEN.
Spots are limited because this is a HIGH TOUCH, DONE WITH YOU retreat where I like to spend personal time helping you implement and answer your questions.
Plus, you’re getting the COMPLETE RETREAT recordings, lessons, workbooks for LIFE.
It took me YEARS of testing to create these game-changing methods which have helped me create over 100K of revenue in my business while positively impacting hundreds of lives.
If you want to do the same, get the traction you need with Powerfully Planned!
What I loved about the entire retreat is the unique design of the program that brought out the best in all of us who attended the program with clear intentions, clarity, purpose, and great share as a community. Personally, I loved each section and the watershed one for me was the ‘Release 2020’ or 'Let Go’ session. I was at ease to share my moments of truth and it paved the way for my 'Letting Go' of some parts of me in 2021! Thank you for making this an amazing one and the perfect way to begin 2021! The best party one could ever get to have without stepping out of the home :)
Partha iyengar
CEO of WFAN International
Being able to release my inner stories about the past year, celebrate the wins from small to large, and dream about the future, while embracing my empathic, highly sensitive nature was freeing! I've realized I can dream bigger and I can see the steps to what I want to do! Now I'm focussing on taking the first step and doing it, and know I have Lindsey in my corner! Thank you, Lindsay, for all the amazing tools you create, for holding space so we can explore our highly sensitive selves and our dreams in a safe and encouraging place!
Behaviour Specialist - Toes & Tails Wellness
Is this just for entrepreneurs & business planning?
The design and content of this retreat is very helpful for personal goals and career goals as well. There is energy work, healing, and vision casting done in this workshop that anyone can benefit from.
What time or timezone is the retreat? I want to be sure I can attend.
Session 1 begins on Wednesday May 17 at 11:00am Pacific (PST) and ends at 12:30pm. All sessions will take place on Wednesdays from May 17 - June 14 from 11:00-12:30pm PST. Please use Timebuddy to see your timezone conversion.
What if I can't attend live or can only partially attend the sessions live?
This is a virtual retreat and the whole retreat is recorded. You will have lifetime access to the recordings so you get the full content. You can contact me anytime via email with questions.
What if I don't want to do this in a group. Do you offer this privately 1:1?
If you'd like to do this privately, faster, with 1:1 support from me then I am happy to provide you a VIP 1:1 intensive and we will knock this out in a day!
Lindsay Hindle
Business Breakthrough Coach for Heartled leaders
About Lindsay
Lindsay is passionate about helping success focused, heart forward business owners revel in their fulfillment and make more money with integrity, strategy, and soul. She knows sensitives need to do things differently! After taking her own business international, creating over 100k in revenue, while managing ADHD and overcoming chronic health conditions, Lindsay is committed to helping sensitives claim the power in their strengths and make their unique mark in the world authentically THEM.
Copyright - Five Sights Co. 2023