Windshield wipers, no-spill cups, and the field of emotional intelligence. What do they all have in common?

They were all once “wild ideas” that at first the world didn’t take seriously, but were TOTALLY what the world needed!

And look where we are today. Wipers on every car, juice in every car, and…ok, well for sure not every car has an emotionally intelligent driver behind it, but it’s growing (we gotta stick with the theme here, lol)

But what if Mary Anderson (inventor of windshield wipers in 1903), Mandy Haberman (inventor of the no-spill cup for kids in 1992), and Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer (initiated first studies and coined emotional intelligence as ani important “thing” for organizations & society in 1990) never attempted to manifest those ideas into reality?

What if they gave up before they started?

What if they were stuck in the “not pot” of not believing in their vision, not getting invested in the NEED of the world, not being resourceful and persistent to make it happen, or took the naysayers super personally, giving others more authority to destroy their state of joy, their inner fire, their intuition and action-taking?

And what makes you or your ideas any different?


You probably have genius ideas for all kinds of services, programs, products, books, offers, etc. that will serve the world to make it better.

Are you out there doing it? Serving those soul mate clients? Creating abundance for yourself too?

If not, you might be stuck in one of these pitfalls that highly sensitive/empathic humans so often get stuck in:

  • Living with your sensitivity as a burden (instead of power) because you don’t have the tools & support you need to know/feel/live differently
  • Unconsciously creating your life and biz from a scarcity-based identity instead of an abundance identity because you don’t yet know the pillars of Abundance Alchemy and the ways of highly effective manifesting for highly sensitive people
  • Not leading your life bravely from a soul-driven place because you’re busy people pleasing and living for others love OR you’re early in your spiritual  journey OR perhaps you’ve been focused on mindset, skill building, and body building but haven’t quite seen this aspect of spiritual/soul alignment as important yet.

The good news is…any of this stuckness can be unstuck…you can rise out of the pitfalls…and you can liberate your wild ideas to serve the world (and yourself) with good.

Start by grabbing my Abundant Action Reset mini-course where you can get into focused flow so you can serve from your highest and start or grow your business.

This course is for Highly Sensitive People or Empaths on a mission to build their soul driven business who want to stop letting overwhelm cheat them out of bigger impact, income and happiness.

And in just five days, you could be WILDLY liberating YOUR wild ideas with greater confidence, higher vibration, and better organization. Check out the course here.

Image Abundant Action Reset

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