There are times and places for rapid action, done is better than perfect and slapping things out the door to see what works…but crafting your life’s expression and purposeful mark in the world doesn’t have to be one of them.

With the trumpets sounding the call of 2020, you’d think (as a confidence & follow-through coach) I’d be talking about how you can stretch and hit your goals before “time runs out” in 2019.

But being the highly sensitive rebel I am, I would much rather challenge the old (aka.ruthless & unsustainable) paradigms of success and draw your focus to the medicine in slow work.

You don’t have to look too far to see how “taking your time”, especially in the online biz world, is something people seem to “resign” themselves to.

Personally, I think the self-apologizing around success taking hundreds of “baby-steps” harms our self-concepts and our world as a whole.

Urgency can be a good thing. But feeling “desperate urgency” is a recipe for dissatisfaction (because it’s driven by fear) and in fact, often results in the same “treadmill of pressure” people trying to escape from their 9-5 in the first place!

As healing as it is to define our purpose and declare our path to more meaningful work in the world  – when we then go and place all our focus on getting to the “good part” (aka. outcomes) we skip over the additional medicine that is hidden for us in the process!

We’re not just creating a thing or a go-to brand, we’re creating ourselves.

It’s time to renew our reverence for good things taking time. Not because “the thing” we make ends up being better…

But because WE end up being better when we honour the making of ourselves.

WE are half the reason our purpose makes itself known. To withhold reverence for our own incremental evolution is to deny an entire universe of built-in abundance right under our noses.

Purposeful abundance is what we’re all after, isn’t it?

So yes, the trumpets of 2020 are already sounding and asking us to pay attention to what we will create in the new year.

I’m down for foundation setting that lasts a lifetime, rather than placing too much focus on “hurrying” something to the finish line before the arbitrary deadline of December 31.

Are you also interested in setting your abundance foundation and learning the full range of Abundance Alchemy so 2020 feels lighter, easier, and more rewarding?

Are you ready to call in more love, time, money, and creativity that will support your life’s expression and help you make a purposeful mark in the world?

Be sure to join me in The Bravery Lab – my private Facebook community devoted to supporting deep feelers & thinkers, highly sensitive humans, empaths and intuitives to live the fullest expression of who they are, fill the world with good and fill their bank account with the moola they deserve. Click here to join.

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