The Medicine In Slow Work

There are times and places for rapid action, done is better than perfect and slapping things out the door to see what works…but crafting your life’s expression and

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You may be a big feeler

Hey beautiful human. Have you ever got the impression from others or actually been told that you’re weak, need to stop caring so much, or that you’re too

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3 Common Prioritizing Mistakes That Kill Genius Juju

Prioritizing properly is a must to avoid feeling frazzled. Frazzle kills your genius juju and we don’t want that cause the world needs your genius darling. So I’m

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Maybe you’re busy or maybe you’re trapped in avoidance

Bueller…? Bueller….? Bueller…? You’ve probably heard the legend of the great Mr. Ferris Bueller and his infamous busy day! He had a jam packed schedule of dining-and-dashing, admiring

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Success Is Equal Parts Stumbling + Directing

The average person doesn’t normally role out of bed and say to themselves “Gee, I take my brilliance for-granted!” So forgive me while I withhold your coffee &

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It’s not a mistake, it’s evolution

The most common lesson I used to give my branding clients was “Consider this your first version, your brand will evolve.”For new entrepreneurs, this didn’t make much sense.

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The 7 best questions to ask yourself when you’re doubting & looking for confidence

Hey there ambitious you! Has your confidence taken a hit? Cratered even? If you’re taking side-ways glances at other bushy-tailed “high performers” crushing their goals and feeling bummed,

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How To Finish What You Start

Tired of letting distraction ruin your focus? I think we can all agree rabbit holes are a major hazard for highly sensitive creative types. Ever find yourself cleaning

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What most people get wrong about the power of manifestation

What most people get wrong about the power of manifestation It’s safe to say I didn’t roll out of bed one day with all my ‘awesome’ intact and

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