Hi, I’m Lindsay, confidence and follow-through mentor for ambitious, highly sensitive, perfectionist-prone humans who want more out of life.

Back in 2014, before I discovered my soul aligned ambition, I felt sick to my stomach…

My branding business was booming, I had a life coach, a shelf of personal development books, and a comfy life; only I was devastated and ashamed of feeling half-hearted in my work, distracted, erratic, overwhelmed and unhappy.

That’s when I realized the success I was chasing belonged to the person I USED to be; the ME before motherhood, before my mental breakdown, before I rebuilt and awakened my WHOLE true self.

So I walked away from my biz, became a Unitarian Universalist Lay Chaplain, ran a half-marathon, started and closed 2 more businesses that were ALMOST right for me, and then FINALLY surrendered to my calling.

Now, I have a global business built around my #1 ALIGNED passion: helping others be brave, claim their purpose, manifest abundance and drive divine impact in the world – without driving themselves into the ground.

I believe the world needs heart-led humans like you. Not the sanitized and “painfully perfected” you…but the REAL you; because your messiness is also your medicine.

It’s in our seeing, our being, and our doing where we get to believe so hard our faith cracks open to our truth and a truly affirmed life spills forth:

We get to live in the abundance of all that we are.

Here are some options on how we can get started with that together:

Want to know more? Check out these articles