The 7 Faces Of Money Shame

Number one is you’ve never had money. So let’s say you grew up in a really struggling household and you’ve always struggled having money. And so shame can

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An inside look at what abundance sounds & feels like

You’re here because you’re on your awakening journey. You may even be building a coaching or healing business or leading yourself in a career pivot because of that

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How To Align To Your Goals In A Healthy Way

Have you started to think about setting goals for yourself in 2022 that align to what your intuition says are right for you? That align with what really

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Are your “small” inspirations big enough?

What would happen if we fully grasped the POWER of small steps, small offers, small inspirations, created from our biggest, most abundant frequency? Are small contributions, progressive transformations,

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Raise Your Vibration & Be Who You Are

Is your heart bursting to share you work in a bigger way, attract soulmate clients, or lead your positive change movement? Even though you’re passionate, do you avoid

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Six Questions That Fertilize Abundance For Life

I know not all of you are literal gardeners.But all of us are definitely cultivators and like it or not, are bound to the natural cycles of expansion,

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In a world of money while you sleep, what does it mean to be devoted?

In a world of money while you sleep and “overnight” success stories ???? What does it mean to be DEVOTED to yourself and your soul driven business? ????

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Are you over or under investing in yourself?

A topic that comes up a lot in my work with clients is the topic of balance. There are many different ways being in and out of balance

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Turning Fear Into Belief

MY BALANCE OF BELIEF TO FEAR USED TO BE WAY WAY WAY LOPSIDED… There was a time in my life where my main desire was just to have

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Who Is Lindsay, Confidence & Follow-through mentor?

Hi, I’m Lindsay, confidence and follow-through mentor for ambitious, highly sensitive, perfectionist-prone humans who want more out of life. Back in 2014, before I discovered my soul aligned

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