Hey beautiful human. Have you ever got the impression from others or actually been told that you’re weak, need to stop caring so much, or that you’re too emotional for your own good?

Maybe you “think too much” or catch yourself feeling really anxious all the time and because you’re often DRAINED, this all seems like “proof” that you’re just not cut out for doing badass things in life like building a business, sitting in the executives’ chair, or leading a conscious movement.

But what if there’s another explanation besides just settling for being “different”, “weird”, less capable of handling the world, or even mentally unwell?

What I’m about to explain below are three unique human designs that about 20% of the population have. When I discovered that I have a ratio of all three, it was LIFE CHANGING! Suddenly, the light bulb went off and I began to embrace a whole new kind of freedom and power. Now it’s your turn!

Big Feeler

A big feeler is someone who feels their own emotions deeply. Whatever they feel is big, whether it is joy, love, compassion or it’s sadness, anger or frustration. People like this tend to find great comfort in creative arts like writing, music, poetry, and theatre as an outlet for these intense feelings. Big feelers may or may not have the ability to pick up on other people’s energy, feelings in a room, or collective energy like highly sensitive’s and empaths do.

Highly Sensitive Person

A highly sensitive person feels their emotions deeply, but also picks up information from everything around them. Sights, smells, sounds, tastes, tactile stimulation all feels much more intense than the average person. Very often highly sensitive people can feel the emotional qualities or energy of other people (although don’t necessarily absorb it or experience it like empaths do). Highly sensitive people are deeply intuitive and perceptive of everything and everyone around them. They may get tired easily, need to retreat or have lots of alone time in order to feel balanced. Find out your HSP score (how high your sensitivity is) with Elaine Aron’s quiz.


An empath is someone who feels their emotions deeply and also feels or experiences the feelings of others as if they were their own or were experiencing them themselves. Someone who is empathic can often times pick up on feelings or sensations telepathically or be affected by what’s called ‘collective energy’ (the collective emotions/energy/vibration of all humans on the planet).

Do any of these descriptions fit you?

Life can feel pretty challenging if you think you’re odd for being so sensitive, if stressful situations really get to you, or you know you have an intuitive or empathic gift that you keep shutting down.

In fact, many beautiful humans like yourself avoid doing what they want in their career, stepping into leadership, or pursuing their own business because they don’t believe they can handle it.

In fact, one look at all the books about empaths in the Amazon bookstore (which are all SURVIVAL books <img draggable=” />) and it’s not hard to see how less-than-ideal beliefs have been imprinted on you by society and then re-inforced by your own experience.

But here is the truth:

Deep feelers, highly sensitives and empaths can do more than just SURVIVE.

WE CAN BE THRIVING LEADERS, CREATORS AND SACRED ENTERPRISE BUILDERS AND ENJOY FREEDOM AND IMPACT if we know how to leverage our special human design and feel deeply cared for.

If you’re excited by that vision and feel deep in your soul THIS IS THE REAL YOU, then you’ll get massive value out of my 7 Minute Confidence Rescue Kit, curated specially for you heart-led, emerging leaders who struggle with doubt, imposter syndrome, and being seen.

This toolkit of 3 powerful resources that take less than 7 minutes to use, will give you the radical confidence upgrade you need to step up and step out big!

Get your 7 Minute Confidence Rescue Kit Here

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