Tired of letting distraction ruin your focus?

I think we can all agree rabbit holes are a major hazard for highly sensitive creative types. Ever find yourself cleaning your gemstones instead of working on a really important priority? I joke (and stereotype) but distraction is actually a HUGE barrier between you and the heart-led impact you want to make.

That’s why I’m about to share my secret of how I overcame my “squirrel!” like nature. I want you to have the upper hand against distraction so the world can enjoy your brilliant contributions.

What’s the focus secret?

It’s all about the micro-moment. The first few seconds when you’re about to get pulled in a “priority-opposite” direction are critical.  The secret of how to avoid the shiny object is with a focus-saving protocol. A what? Yup. You heard me. Think about it… first responders have lots of protocols they follow to quickly get from A to Z in an emergency. They don’t hum and haw or faff around, they have a procedural approach to manage the mayhem.

The tricky part is to become aware of the EXACT MOMENT you’re about to be distracted and follow the procedure below.

Finish What You Start Protocol

  1. PAUSE – ask what am I doing?
  2. ASK – is this the most important thing right now?
  3. ASK- what’s the most important thing right now?
  4. DISCERN – is the idea I am following something I can do later after I complete my priority?
  5. ALIGN – what does my gut say?
  6. HONOR – write down the thought on a list or idea in my idea binder so I can happily return to it later

That’s it! It looks almost stupidly simple (does this really work?) The progress is in the practice. First responders drill their protocols over and over, so same same for you my squirrely friend!

This is the VITAL brain training to overcome your cycle of distraction that’s holding you back.

Speaking of being stuck in a cycle, your procrastinator type could be the culprit!

My advice above is really solid, but it may not work as well if you don’t know the root of why you distract, avoid & procrastinate. You need to know what’s driving you to distraction. So if you’re serious about taking your career, business or divine creation to the next level, get the right support by understanding your procrastinator archetype.

Give me just three minutes and I’ll tell you your procrastinator archetype and send you a customized toolkit that gets to the root of the problem. Click here to take the quiz now!


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