Radical Secret 2 of 5 Be A Finisher

So you’re highly sensitive or empathic, ambitious, and perfectionist-prone and you’re having trouble with getting your visionary work FULLY MANIFESTED in the world? You’re not alone! I see

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Radical Secret 1 of 5 To Be A Finisher

Be a Finisher series is all about giving you radical secrets to help move you into finishing what you start, stop procrastinating and get into confident, focused action.

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Why You’re At War With Expectations, Part 1

If you're going to lead your business, career, family, art, health revolution, etc. pretty much anything that means anything to you...You might find yourself struggling with setting and

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Panicked ending or setting up for success?

Prepare yourself! I’m going to share something that may shock you. Ready? Here it comes… It’s almost the end of 2018! I know right? When I told you

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3 Common Prioritizing Mistakes That Kill Genius Juju

Prioritizing properly is a must to avoid feeling frazzled. Frazzle kills your genius juju and we don’t want that cause the world needs your genius darling. So I’m

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Maybe you’re busy or maybe you’re trapped in avoidance

Bueller…? Bueller….? Bueller…? You’ve probably heard the legend of the great Mr. Ferris Bueller and his infamous busy day! He had a jam packed schedule of dining-and-dashing, admiring

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Success Is Equal Parts Stumbling + Directing

The average person doesn’t normally role out of bed and say to themselves “Gee, I take my brilliance for-granted!” So forgive me while I withhold your coffee &

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How To Finish What You Start

Tired of letting distraction ruin your focus? I think we can all agree rabbit holes are a major hazard for highly sensitive creative types. Ever find yourself cleaning

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